Monday, December 31, 2012


Put on your sparkle (wear it all year long).
Wishing you and your loved ones a very happy and healthy 2013. 
May your year be a sparkling, merry good time!

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Staycation (part ii. of ii.)

my hood
Happy Friday my friends!! As promised, here are the eats and adventures from the Dr. H/Merry Meri Staycation extraordinaire. Enjoy!

* Grey Dog
The counter. So many delicious options... good luck!
With three locations throughout downtown NYC, including 1 just up the block from our apartment, Grey Dog is quickly becoming our "go to" for a delicious meal and cool vibe. The diverse menu has everything from soups, salads and sandwiches to breakfast items and beer so good luck picking just one (you can always share that mac and cheese:) A no fuss establishment, orders are placed at the counter by patrons and then servers bring everything to the table of your choosing. Chill, reasonably priced and oh so tasty.

* The Bitter End
A Greenwich Village staple.
The self-proclaimed oldest rock and roll club in New York City, The Bitter End has played host to musical greats such as Neil Diamond, Bob Dylan, Stevie Wonder, Lady Gaga and Norah Jones, but it's infamous brick backdrop stage also hosts small gigs for local musicians. The interior is simple (and likely unchanged since 1961!), the drinks are not too overpriced and the music is great. The Bitter End is perfect for a low key date night or the starting point for a night on the town with friends.

* Extra Virgin
The Extra Virgin scene (during warmer months!)
Perfectly stated by its NY Times review, Extra Virgin is a West Village gem. I mean, when a place gives you two options of olive oil to dip your fresh, warm bread in, you know the meal is gonna be a winner!! Extra Virgin is awesome for brunch or dinner, with a simple yet inventive menu filled with pasta, meats and seafood that will seriously please your taste buds. Cozy and candlelit inside, with a sweet patio out front, I lurve me some Extra Virgin.

The massive and simply decorated space feels very glam.
A gorgeous spot with delicious food and a rooftop farm supplying many of their ingredients? Don't mind if I do!! Dr. H and I had our first Rosemary's experience for brunch, but we will most definitely be heading back for dinner soon. An unassuming storefront that opens into a stunning, high ceiling-ed dining space, this Italian restaurant serves a seasonal and totally unpretentious menu of breads, pastas, meats, cheeses, seafood, vegetables and taaaasty sauces. I hear their cocktails are pretty fabulous as well.

* Eataly
Yes cheeeeeeese.
Have you ever gone grocery shopping at Batali's Eataly? Known by many as a spot to dine (there are 9 different restaurants within the huge 23rd st establishment, including one on the roof!) the market is filled with every sort of delicacy, from meats and cheeses to fresh produce, homemade pasta and sauces. Dr. H and I shopped for unique ingredients, brought them home and enjoyed a delicious/fancy pants meal in the comfort of our own sweatpants!

*Honorable Mentions
- Remember my love for the Standard Biergarten? Well I'm thrilled to report that this place is even MORE awesome in the winter. The "garten" is fully enclosed and extremely well heated and the lack of summer crowds makes it a relaxing spot to enjoy a cold beer and a giant hot pretzel!
- The New York Knicks. Dr. H and I went to a game on Sunday night and watched our blue and orange perform at a level that we haven't seen this consistently in years. Check out the newly renovated MSG (they're 2 of 3 years through the project) and enjoy oogling the famous peeps in "Celebrity Row" while watching Melo, J.R. Smith, and Felton take NY to the top!
- Silver Linings Playbook. Dr. H and I saw this flick and while we definitely enjoyed it, I'm not sure it lived up to the hype for either of us. An unexpected love story between Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper, I enjoyed the excellent acting, but wasn't entirely sold on a storyline which felt (to me) rushed at times. Check it out nevertheless to fully prep for "awards season".

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Staycation (part i. of ii.)

Stay home.
This past weekend Dr. H and I spent 5 consecutive days off from work and at home. Abandoning our usual hustle, bustle and urge to travel for catching up on sleep, saving money and relaxing, this was the longest "Staycation" of our relationship. Manhattan is quiet and romantic during Christmas, so we were able to enjoy our city, our home and one another's uninterrupted company for days on end (we still like each other!) Since "getting away" by staying home was new to me, I thought it might be fun to share some of the things that I think made our Staycation a success... Tomorrow I'll cover our eats and activities, but today, here are some Merry Meri tested and Dr. H approved Staycation tips:

(1) Clean up!
The first day we both had off we (I!?) made cleaning up a priority. I wanted to tackle the dust bunnies, piles and nagging list of household chores right off the bat so that they wouldn't be hanging over our (my!?) head the entire time we were home. Plus, it's awesome to be home when your place feels tidy and smells fresh, so take an hour or two and straighten up, then kick back and enjoy.

(2) Workout
Dr. H and I did an impressive amount of eating, drinking and lounging over the long weekend, so working out was a must. We seized our quieter-than-usual city and schedules to go to a SoulCycle that's often hard to get into and used each other as motivation to actually get on the bike. The workout allowed us to spend countless hours on the couch with very little guilt.

(3) Split up
I think part of what made our Staycation such a success was that we didn't feel obligated to stay together the entire time. We ran some of our own errands and didn't hesitate to fly solo for personal favorite activities (mani/pedi for her, uninterrupted couch lounging for him?). Just like solo time for independent interests on travelling vacations, make sure you and your bud don't feel obligated to spend every waking minute together.

(4) Sleep (late and often)
Dr. H and I are excellent sleepers - we can still sleep well into the morning (and perhaps I saw the clock strike noon while still in bed one day?!) Unlike a vacation, staycationing relieves you of any "see it now or never" pressure (there's always, tomorrow, or next month, or next year!) so seize the luxury of excessive sleeping. 

(5) Go for walks
No destination in mind, just go for a stroll. Dr. H and I took full advantage of the empty sidewalks, meandering down streets we usually skip and enjoying the fresh air. Strolling like a tourist in our own town allowed us to notice things we usually rush past and enjoy just being in a place we love.

(6) Do  things you've been meaning to do...
We started watching Game of Thrones, busted out our new Would You Rather game and painted a chalkboard wall (it's AWESOME). Waking up without a plan for several consecutive days gave us time to think of all the things we've been wanting to do at home and actually DO them!

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Hump Day Distractions

Could not wait 364 days to share this
Hellllooooooo out there..! Is anyone else at their computer!? Even worse... is anyone else at WORK!? Ick. Even though most of NYC is still huddled at home, some lucky folks like myself are back at their desks today which means distractions are a necessity. Since this is our last Hump Day of the year (can you believe it!?) I thought I'd collect some 2012 lists and other New Years related goodies for you. Happy humping!

* The 100 most astonishing images of 2012 (worth scrolling through the whole list, they're AMAZING).
* 300 films from 2012, in only 7 minutes.
* At least none of your wild holiday party nights ended like THIS (or maybe, awesome if it did!?)
* For those of you getting a jump start on next year's holiday list.
* The top albums of 2012 (agree or disagree?)
* Cookies for your New Years Eve party!
* In 2012 Apple put the iPhone into more hands than ever before. It brought with it Autocorrect. Thank you Apple.

Monday, December 24, 2012

Have yourself...

... a merry little Christmas.

From my home to yours, wishing you a holiday that's merry & bright. xox, m

Friday, December 21, 2012

Beautiful to look at.

Versailles gardens in winter
I'm a sucker for a stunning photograph and lately Pinterest has been overflowing with beautiful wintery images. Snowy wonderlands like this:

and this...

and this:

Winter can be oh so very glamorous...
yes please.

May your weekend be wintery and merry and bright!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Diner Love.

Diner date night heaven.
I'd like to take this opportunity to declare my love for diners. Diners. Are. Awesome. Where else can you go to get breakfast at any time of day, or enjoy chicken parmesan, a gyro, matzoh ball soup, a milkshake or a massive chef salad all on one menu!? No where. It's almost too much when you open their multi-page, inexplicably culturally diverse menu and are forced to pick just one thing. Plus, unlike many restaurants, diners happily accommodate groups. Roll up with however many friends, at any hour and they've got a table for you and a friendly Greek man (stereotype, yet usually true) ready to ring you up when you're finished.

In a city filled with celebrity chefs, culinary "experiences" and table wait times that are often longer than the meal itself, it's refreshing to sit down at a diner. I'll order a club sandwich stacked high while Dr. H enjoys his non-pretentious french onion soup in our cozy patent leather booth. Neon signs are a plus. Because sometimes not fancy can be fabulous.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hump Day Distractions

Mind = BLOWN
Welcome to your weekly installment of Hump Day Distractions. If you're able peel your eyes away from the miracle of nature that is "The Ducktato" check out these other awesome distractions I've rounded up for you:

* A crafty way to ensure you never say "I don't know what to do/eat/watch/read" again.
* Holy crap. Ho-ly CRAP.
* Tis the season of tips and gifts. Click HERE for a handy guide on how much is just right for everyone from your doorman to your cleaning lady.
* There is something stunningly simple and chic about this dress...
* I'm allowed to think this is hysterical because I too am an Instagram junkie.
* How to make the perfect BLT, peel an egg, eat a cupcake, make a taco and a ton of other handy tricks.
* Back for another year of snow-licious evil surprises.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Tis the season of mail!

keep up the good work little buddy!
One of my favorite things about this time of year is the sudden influx of "snail mail" I receive. After months of nothing but catalogues, solicitations and even the occasional empty mailbox, I'm now greeted daily by snowmen, photos of smiling children and glitter (obviously I love holiday cards with glitter). Come December, I look forward to collecting my mail  each evening because the holiday season is like a retro, pre-email moment in time when checking your mailbox is cool again (did anyone else LOVE getting the mail as a kid or am I the lone dork here!?)

Though many complain that holiday cards are a pain to send out (they are) I'm really glad that people still do it. I admit, it's tempting to opt for the speed and convenience of a digital hello or to let the hustle of the season eat up your "addressing envelopes time", but for me, nothing beats a colorful envelope bearing some ridiculous USPS stamp with my name on it. So dust off your address book, find the most beautiful/absurd/sentimental cards left on the shelf (or make a photo card, you know peeps dig the photo cards) and get mailing.

Monday, December 17, 2012

The Monday after...

For them and for us...
I keep trying to write a post, and everything feels inappropriate. Too cheery or superfluous when just last night our President was reading the names of children whose lives ended in the most horrific and unimaginable way. Even the stories of incredible bravery, love and courage from teachers and administrators at Sandy Hook Elementary School are not enough to be "uplifting". Like the rain hovering over New York, refusing to budge, I feel it's appropriate to have just one more grey day. One more day to hug children closer and  hope, pray even, that solutions exist in the areas of gun control and mental health to ensure that something like this will never happen again.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Hear it, read it, make it, LOVE it

It's Friday! High fives for EVERYONE!!
The sun is shining, the air is crisp and wintery and it's Friday. Life is not too shabby:) To send you off into the weekend, here's the second installation of "Hear it, read it, make it, LOVE it" for your listening/reading/crafting/buying pleasure (first edition HERE). Have a good one!

Hear it
Proof that I was absolutely not kidding about the whole "Jew who loves Christmas" thing? I actually have a favorite Christmas album - Christmas Songs by Sinatra. Though there's no denying the fan-freakin-tabulousness of Mariah's "All I want for Christmas is You" or the Peanut's gang Christmas collection, there's something quintessentially Christmas about Frank's smooth voice belting out the classics. The perfect soundtrack for your holiday hosting.

Read it
Turns out Kelly Kapoor is just the tip of the iceberg folks! Reading "Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me (and other Concerns)" by the insanely talented Mindy Kaling is basically a laugh out loud 150 page conversation with Mindy, packed with stories from her real life and her thoughts on everything from best friends to boyfriendsand being an average bodied woman in Hollywood! If you're looking for some light, fun reading during the otherwise hectic holiday season, "hang out" (hehe) with Mindy.

Make it
Perfect for the little girl in your life (or in your heart:) these simple snowflake ballerinas are the perfect craft to work on while listening to the Nutcracker and sipping on hot chocolate. (Simple step by step tutorial including free printable template HERE).
LOVE it (/make it?)
When Dr. H said "wouldn't it be cool if you could like make a chalkboard out of this wall?" and I responded with "You can! Let's do it!" there were two very excited people in my apartment. He gets to doodle (sweet nothings!?) on the walls and I get to take on a sa-weet home DIY project. Chalkboard paint is available just about everywhere and perhaps a trip to Brooklyn Flea next weekend for a funky empty frame!?

Thursday, December 13, 2012

New kicks... Distracted.

So my company has a partnership with Reebok and because Reebok hearts us, all employees are getting a FREE pair of sneakers. Any pair, custom designs included. Needless to say, the entire morning has been a "create your own shoe" laboratory around the office...

YourReebok -Custom  Women's Freestyle - 22 4670641
Bold blue leather?

YourReebok -Custom  Women's Freestyle - 22 4670598
Basic brown suedes?

YourReebok -Custom  Women's Freestyle - 22 4670762
Blingin' black and metallic gold? (pic doesn't do gold justice)

The possibilities are really endless and I'm having an impossible time choosing. Also having an impossible time tearing myself away to finish the blog post I mostly compiled for you last night. Just a beacon of productivity over here today (hey, it happens:) Since I'm distracted today, you should be too. Here are the goodies I didn't have on hand to share yesterday. Whatevs yo, we'll get our focus back tomorrow (maybe). xoxo!

* OMG this little guy.
* Another delicious dinner recipe which I can say is Merry Meri tested and approved.
* No Jimmy, all I want for Christmas is YOU (this made my day!)
* Just when I think I'm creative, I see something super clever like THIS.
* Just when I thought I couldn't love the Obamas any more, they sent Bo to center stage...
* And wouldn't this be a hysterical mid-party activity for all your guests!?

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hump Day Distractions

Bigger is better?
Peeps. You must forgive me. I have a slew of awesome distractions bookmarked for you on a computer that I'm not close to today. F. Thankfully, I'm skilled in the art of internet procrastination, so here's what I can remember of those links and a few others to hold you over until I can deliver the mother load tomorrow. Happy Hump Day!

* Last week's new recipe experiment made for a delicious dinner. So easy, so tasty. 
* I've always wondered what a foldable Dr. H would look like (via CupofJo)
* These families are the cream of the holiday card crop.
* Oooooh Brookstone.
* What an awesome idea for Christmas time brides... (via Snippet&Ink)
* I aspire to take a road trip this awesome (who's with me?)
* I bet you Christmas at these people's houses is AWESOME. (I have no idea the proper grammar for that sentence.)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Live large, spend small

New home = blank canvas (Disclaimer: Not my apt:)
As most of you know, Dr. H and I recently relocated to a new apartment in Greenwich Village. Expanding by approximately 200 square feet and moving to one of Manhattan's most beloved neighborhoods, we, like so many other New Yorkers, are living at the tip top of our housing cost comfort zone (and consider it worth every penny!) The trade off however, is that when it came time to upgrade our Ikea/college dorm/parent hand-me-down furniture collection, sticking to a budget was an absolute necessity. Though I dream of a day when the "perfect piece" is more important than the "perfect price", today is not that day. Since I love to share all that's good and merry in my life, here are some of my decor shopping success stories. We managed to find awesome new furniture from both expected and unexpected places (online and in person) and who doesn't love a good deal!?

* World Market -
Shop the Look: A Comfy, Cozy Living Room
Because no one wants to break the bank on decor "accessories"
Dr. H and I decided that we were going to keep our 2 couches, but spruce up the living room with new pillows, carpet, accent chairs and a throw (to freshen up our fading love seat). Worldmarket was the PERFECT website for decor accessories with quality not at all sacrificed for affordability. Their furniture also gets great reviews.

Armless Upholstered Accent Slipper Chair - Orange Floral
Who knew was this chic!?
I am a big fan of Target (or "Tar-sh`e" as my Nanny calls it!) but pretty much blew my mind. The selection of furniture, particularly accent chairs, not available in stores is bananas and free shipping/returns are more common than not. Minimal assembly and high quality fabric sealed the deal on my love affair

 * Rugs USA -
Something cozy under your toesies
You know what costs a lot of money? A new carpet costs a LOT of money, so thank you Pinterest for directing me to this amazing website. RugsUSA has a huge selection of rugs at every price point, in every size, color and print you can imagine. Shipping was fast and the site's frequent sales make the shipping cost a non-issue.

* Brooklyn Flea -

Winter Flea
Dr. H and I love a good flea market (for reals, my husband will willingly peruse a flea market... how lucky am I!?) and Brooklyn Flea is a very good flea market. Outdoors in Williamsburg and Fort Greene during spring, summer and fall, now indoors at Williamsburg Savings Bank, on our most recent flea trip we discovered the incredible Joel Voisard, a furniture craftsman who made us a custom wood kitchen table and bench which we absolutely love. Since Brooklyn Flea is populated by small business owners and artisans, prices allow you to get creative, go custom and purchase something one-of-a-kind, all while staying in your budget! (Also, lots of good eats to give you energy for shopping:)

Come into my bedroom friend!
Another awesome store that's hiding all the good stuff online! Urban's online furniture selection is as hipster-chic as their clothing and in most cases, even more fairly priced. Our fold-out loveseat (the "Anywhere Sofa") has stayed with us for 2 moves and we recently added those pretty little nightstands to our bedroom.

* Other ways to save...
I'm by no means a professional decorator, but I've got a decent eye and a crafty mind. Some more ideas I put to work:
- By repainting two of our old kitchen chairs a funky purple and re-appolstering the other two a burnt orange, I was able to get "new" chairs for my kitchen, living room and desk for under $20
- I had my heart set on a big fancy bed frame, but those prices are a serious commitment. Ultimately we found an awesome headboard at Pier1 for a fraction of the price. In the end, not having a footer on the bed gives our colorful and glamorous comforter (HERE) more room to shine
- Pictures can be art. Get creative when it comes to covering your walls by mixing artfully framed photos from your own collection with other pieces you've purchased. This personalizes your space while still keeping it classy.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Absolutely no effort at all.

I wish.
Today is grey, rainy, unseasonably warm, humid and pretty much just disgusting. Also it's Monday. As such, I have made absolutely no effort at all. Why wear makeup when you can just cover your face with your glasses? How about you put on those pants from the "Saturday outfit reject pile" in the corner of the room? Is your hair damp and flat from last night's shower? Ponytail!! This morning I looked out the window and knew that it was just one of those days when no amount of effort was going to make me feel glam, so I figured, why bother?! I consider it an accomplishment of epic proportion that I was able to drag my ass out of bed and into a coherent outfit at all. 
Looks like it's gonna be a wet one...
I personally think it's a-ok to take a day off from effort every once in a while. Really all I'm doing is saving my energy (and overpriced hair/makeup products) for a day when my effort won't be undone by damp, sticky air the second I step outside. I'm going for "dishelved chic" (or something like that).  As far as rising and shining is concerned, I'll shine again tomorrow... until then, fingers crossed I don't run into any ex-boyfriends or celebrity crushes.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Do you know what Sunday is? Sunday is Seektobemerry's FIRST BIRTHDAY! Remember this:


I'm Meri and this is my blog. I live in Manhattan and I am constantly exploring and searching for the beautiful and interesting things in life. I seek to be merry at all times and this blog is a collection of the thoughts and ideas I hope will take me there.
*   *   *
Well, one year and 252 posts later (I only missed like 10 days! Speaking of which, sorry about yesterday:) here we are. When I started this little side project, I had no expectations. I wanted a place to be creative, to write and to share internet goodness of the adorable, amusing, trendy and tasty varieties. Mission accomplished. And the best and most unexpected part!? YOU GUYS. Way more people than I'd ever imagined are reading STBM and the friendly feedback and fun comments I get from all of you make my day every.single.time. It seriously rocks. So thank you for reading - I hope the year ahead brings more merriment for us all.

To celebrate, here's a collection of some of my favorite, and some of the most popular, posts from the past year. I have no idea how I'll keep it interesting next year, so let's just enjoy this original content and worry about that later!! xoxo, m

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Hump Day Distractions

Humpy the Camel. Tough name.
Hey-o it's Wednesday, can I get a whoop whooop!? No? Too soon? Well at least you've made it halfway and hopefully it's smooth sailing for the rest of the week. Here to distract you are some fabulous gift-guides which I've curated from around the web (why do it myself when others are already doing it so well!?) as well as a few other smile-worthy links. Have a good one!

* Short on inspiration!? Here are some fabulous gift guides of every kind: 
     For the ladies in your life, click HERE, HERE (under $25!), HEREHEREHERE
     For the gents (Dr. H, something in here has been purchased for you!), click HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE
     For coworkers, click HERE, HERE, HERE
     For those adorable kiddos, click HERE, HERE, HERE
* A great place to shop for anyone in your life with a sense of humor.
* I want to go to there.
* Top alternative songs of the 90s. Because we should never forget Spacehog, Collective Soul or Eve 6.
* Is it Friday yet?
* Thank you parents (and lemons) for THIS.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

My All You Can Eat Weekend

Just your typical Saturday night meal
(image not to scale)
This past weekend Dr. H and I ate very well. Like ridiculously, deliciously, excessively well. What started as a smattering of plans with friends ended up being a marathon of one fantastic meal after another, complimented by visits to several excellent drinking spots. As the great Erma Bombeck once said "I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food." Explore with me:

* FRIDAY - Do Hwa & Little Branch
Do Hwa
Thanks to a favorite friend who now works behind the bar, I've discovered the insane deliciousness of home-style Korean cooking, served up spicy at Hwa. Located on Carmine Street in the West Village, order anything from basic dumplings and lettuce wraps to one of the many Bibimbop or noodle dishes. I've never ordered the same thing twice and I've never been disappointed (killer cocktails too, tell the bartender I sent you!)

Intentionally discrete signage
Located at one of those "only in the West Village" triangular corners, it's easy to walk right past Little Branch, but don't. Down a steep flight of stairs is a speakeasy style bar, inviting you to sit in a cozy booth for hours with friends over great cocktails and conversation.  Lively but not loud, it was last call before Dr. H and I were willing to tear ourselves away.

* SATURDAY - Miss Lily's & The Smile
Miss Lily's is adjacent to the radio station it runs next door. Fo reals.
I freaking love brunch and my spontaneously planned meal at Miss Lily's is a perfect example of why. Miss Lily's is like a sexy Jamaican diner and the menu is packed with unexpected, yet perfectly executed combinations of island-flavor cuisine. I didn't know over easy eggs could taste so good (I'm already eager to go back for jerk chicken at dinner). And just in case we didn't already feel so damn cool chowing at Lily's, Questlove was dining in the back room. amazeballs.

The Smile
Nestled in Noho, a neighborhood which seems to get a new delicious restaurant every week, is the dimly lit and charming The Smile. A quaint and cozy spot with a limited, but somehow perfectly well rounded menu, The Smile was perfect for my group, but could also make for a lovely date night. Everything from the goat cheese and mussels to the bolognese and squash was perfection.

* SUNDAY - Dim Sum & DIY
On day 3 of our eat-a-thon, Dr. H and I went down to Chinatown with Sis and her awesome dude for a little shumai/porkbun/dumpling-fest on Sunday morning. Always a great meal, if you want to read more about my favorite dim sum spot, visit the Seektobemerry archives HERE.
3 for $5 pomegranites. Worth the work!!
And because obviously I cannot survive on just 1 meal a day, Dr. H and I capped off the weekend with some home cooked seafood, vegetables and fruit purchased on Canal Street. A great deal and deliciously fresh, consider Chinatown next time you're looking for a unique market experience (and great deals!).