... mid-week holiday misssssery, of thee I sing. 4th of July on a Wednesday!?! Don't get me wrong, I'll take a day off from work any day of the week, but WEDNESDAY!? This is gonna be an interesting week folks! Here to help you prep for the holiday ahead (and distract you from the 2 days we have to get through before it arrives) are some patriotic eats and treats of the red, white and blue persuasion.
Thomas Jefferson wants you to put a ring on it. (Seriously, how ridiculous / awesome is this idea!?) |
Be a hit with the kids at your BBQ (or have the coolest yard in town!) Click HERE for the free printable. |
that cake is awesome. i'm def going to have to give it a try sometime!!
ReplyDeleteI love 4th of July! And also love your cute blog title :)