Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hump Day Distractions

hump day
Obviously humpback whales think Wednesday Rules.
Well hello there Wednesday, nice to see you again!! I'm feeling very merry this week and I'm grateful for the exchange of major ho hums for some of life's beachy/bachelorette-y/family filled/wedding-y/niece-playdate-y fabulosity. When things are good we must appreciate:) And speaking of good, I think these distractions will have you smiling while you hump the day. Get it.   

* Though I'm more of an English girl, this tuckered out Frenchie brought a big smile to my face.
* The perfect DIY for the MVP at my next theme party
* Grab your (wo)man and make it a date night
* All Dr. H tested, Dr. H approved (though he discovered he is not a spaghetti squash man)
* This season of Mad Men may be over, but here are some fabulous factoids to keep Sterling Cooper Draper Price on your mind (via CupofJo)
* Some cutesy, crafty printables for your next BBQ

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