Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Hump Day Distractions

Awwww yeah.
Is it Friday yet? No seriously... IS IT FRIDAY YET!?! Man oh man... at least the temperatures warmed up? Here for your humping pleasure is a big 'ol list of goodies from around the web. Enjoy!

* Lose 10 lbs like Beyonce. 
* An interesting study on the impact of tv on littlest kiddos. I see where they're coming from, but I dunno... Sesame Street and Dora don't really seem to be hurting anybody...
* Yes please.
* If only I had a dresser drawer to spare, this organizational DIY looks fabulous!
* I want to go to there... all of theres.
* Since I suffer from self-diagnosed seasonal affective disorder, I will definitely be trying some of THESE tips.
* These cracked me up big time.
* Six foods that will help keep you healthy this flu season.
* The secret of the mystery flavor revealed!!
* A beautiful video that every mom should see.
* These are absolutely more important than work right now (prepare to smile!)

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