Monday, July 29, 2013


Of all the forms of social media I've encountered, I recently decided that Instagram is my favorite. As a lover of photography, the simple click-edit-share platform cuts away the clutter of Facebook, the character limits of Twitter and the creepy-stalkerishness of FourSquare. It's a chance to curate and share my collection of photos, whether they be scenic views, tasty meals or adventures with Dr. H.

The biggest problem I have with Instagram however, is that I never DO anything with my 'grams other than share them through my phone... and sometimes the shots are real winners and deserve a bit more lovin than that! So today I thought I would share my recently discovered Instagram printing options with my fellow Insta-lovers.

* InstaThis - (thanks for the tip Justina!)

* Printsagram -

* CanvasPop - (30% off sale until midnight!!)

To follow me on Instagram, click HERE

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